Our Team | VcareTechs

Our Team

We began our journey as a startup in 2015, and it has taken us a lot more than resources and hard work to put ourselves on the map. Meet our founders whose vision, perseverance and values, drive us to keep hustling on our journey towards disrupting the traditional ways of marketing.

O.P. Arya


Amit Ratewal


Tushar Sharma


Navneet Sharma


Arun Arya

Digital Marketing Head

Abha Soni

Digital Marketing Manager

Dharam Chandra

Team Lead

Neeraj Simha

IOS Developer

Devender Saini

Sr. Android Developer

Anuj Shukla

Sr. PHP Developer

Neha Bansal

HR Manager

Aastha Chaturvedi

Web Developer

Sristhi Bala

Android Developer

Shashank Kumar

Android Developer


SEO Executive

Shivam Aggarwal

SEO Executive


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